With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


It was strange waking in my childhood bedroom this morning, now it's been emptied of decades of clutter and furniture to be more or less as it was when my parents moved here forty years ago. The view from there is only slightly different now, in that one big tree is missing. Needless to say little voices dragged me from the arms of Morpheus, I didn't wake to find myself much younger and it wasn't all a dream. I was brought some apple juice by my youngest, so the wrinkles must be worth it.

Later on we had a quick walk and kite fly on the beach. Mv proved by far the expert. We saw this ship come out of the Mersey The Boudicca on her way to La Coruna.

The sun has only just now decided to come out for a while after working so hard the last few days. I played with this shot using the software I have on my notepad for fun. It keeps the Soller folks guessing about the weather. It's looking fine for the barbecue tonight, with baba ganoush ready in the fridge.

The trip starts here

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