Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Ladybird's eye view

Another beautiful morning - the last for a while I think - so I decided to head down to the nearby meadow grassy area and take some pics of the daisies and dandelions. I got lots of lovely pics, including a few butterflies, but I decided to go with this one as it has interest in the fore and background. I hope you like it too.

I've had a busy day - first thing I decided to defrost the little freezer in the fridge in the kitchen and clean the fridge as it was nearly empty. I did this quickly as the Sainsbury's man was due at 11 and I needed to put stuff into the fridge when he arrived. I unpacked the shopping, hung the washing out and then went for my blip walk. After that I made dinner and sat in the garden for a bit until my dad arrived and we went for a walk in the fields behind my house. By then the sun had gone behind some clouds and the temperature had dropped quite a lot -I was freezing cold. After about an hour we came back and I got the washing in just as the first drops of rain arrived - excellent timing! I then popped out to the shops and cooked the tea.

Tomorrow will also be busy as my dad, mother and father-in-law and one of my step sons are all coming to dinner. Should be fun!

Happy Easter everyone.

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