Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Greening up

Sun, and a little bit of rain.

Did you know, the grass won't grow, until the avarage temperature reaches 10 degrees?
The useless information you pick up at vet school, that still drips out some years later...........

Was working again today, and busy with the Easter Bunnies and a dog that had been run over by a car, literally.
I'm afraid the rubber on tyres is an excellent method of de-furring, but not so great on the skin.
However dog is now stitched and bandaged up and on the mend hopefully.

More Easter Bunnies tomorrow, but hopefully no more Automobile vs Canine episodes.

Oh and sorry Dotty:
Good things
Chocolates and a lovely card from a grateful owner
A glass of wine with dinner
Sunshine after rain.

Have a lovely Easter. xxx

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