The Living Years

By emmaneni1

Crying Trees and Lots of Fish

The good stuff

Sunshine and only a tiny red patch.
L telling me the bubbles in the water are the fish farting.
Finding a type of fishing I enjoy for the first time since crabbing in Jura. To be fair it's a bit similar there's no reel, just a rod with a little hook on.
Maggots and eyes are the makings of a horrible nightmare, Not even the pink ones help!
I can catch fish! But no big ones.
I don't like taking the hooks out. But after getting upset when i made the fish bleed I liked being reminded sometimes I cut myself and it's not a problem.
Cycling into the wood and becoming convinced that 20 birds had pooed on my head in 20 seconds! But finding out they are crying trees, in spring they cry. (turns out they are a type of willow) I thought this was so romantic at first and wondered what a tree would have to cry about. This is why in the picture it looks like it's raining, they are the tears.
Cooking bacon on twigs over a fire. Quick and delicious.
Making L laugh so much because i was laughing because I nearly hit myself in the face with a fish (by accident, can't control the end of the line well, it's a bit like playing swingball, trying to catch it) that he forgot to tie the stuff on to the line properly and when he cast off he threw the bits into the Danube.
Marzipan and cherry kalacs that doesn't taste of marzipan!
While cycling a new way for me to the Danube, L saying look those cows are on the wrong side of the fence. Me saying they're not cows, thats a bull. Bull getting a bit angry. Us deciding to go the other way!
Swallowing, inhaling and being blinded my millions of flies, complaining about a sore bum and needing to pee but still feeling like it was the best day and we had really achieved something. I want to repeat this feeling everyday.

because I forgot yesterday, L threw a fish which was too small back and it landed head first in the mud and got stuck. Was worried it was dead but got it free and it swam off.

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