Clark Tales

By cclark

Rock Star Dad?

Bless my Dad - every month he runs a charity show called Stars in Their Eyes Fife, people ask them to hold the event, which they only charge £50 to do for covering petrol, then the venue sells tickets to raise money for their chosen charity, so far they have raised £150,000. My Dad loves that he gets to help so many others in the local area, but most of all he loves to feel like he's a rock star!

Here he is doing his Blues Brothers Routine, others include Elvis, Sinatra and Journey! Tonights charity was the Erskine Trust.

On top of ticket sales at half time they held a game, people had to pay £1 for a bit of paper, they would make that into a paper aeroplane, and throw them at a bottle of whisky - the one which landed closest to the bottle won it. It created great hillarity and raised some extra cash too - all ages got involved and loved it, much competitivness - including from Jimmy - a 90 yr old guy from my dad's lodge (who has recently started to learn how to use a PC!) He made a ww2 plane out of the paper - sadly he didn't win the whisky but for a good 15 minutes he wasn't 90 but more like his 9 yr old self!


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