Little things in life

By tanasha84

The window

This window caused me a day of extreme tiredness, jitteriness, and general cry-at-anything-ness.

That sounds like someone walking down the driveway (don't be silly, who would be walking down there at this time of night?)
Those were footsteps... but now they have stopped... close by (it must be next door, what else would it be? stop imaginging things)
That sounds like breathing.... heavy breathing... (like the kind when someone calls you but doesn't say anything)
Maybe I should look....

And that's when my curtain moved and a hand came through my bedroom window.

Luckily screaming and hitting the hand scared them off - he ran away saying 'sorry, sorry, wrong room (whatever that means....)
But it made me very glad it would be my last night in that house.

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