
Although we do not celebrate Easter, like many people in this country we tend to go a bit overboard with regards to chocolate and eggs upon this Sunday. Even though this year I tried (in vain I will add) to kerb the number of chocolate items brought into this house it is no surprise that the vast pile of edible sweets will last even the must avid chocoholics the better part of a year.

And yes I feel guilty about it...

This morning, as we do every Easter, we set a little egg hunt (or treasure hunt) for the kids - they have to follow a series of clues that lead to their treasure trove of eggs. Being a last minute rush job last night did not diminish in anyway the enjoyment both of them had during the albeit brief race around the house. Breeze tends to be overshadowed by her older sister Amethyst in these events, not saying she didn't tried her best to understand my rather vague (at times) clues.

They also were given some nice clothes which no doubt will be covered in chocolate by mid afternoon. Again this seems to be an Easter tradition.

Some may question why we do this every year, considering what Easter is really about, but we understand the religious significance and nod our heads towards it out of respect - but really, who can resist the lure of chocolate eggs at the end of the day?

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