The List Lady

By listlady

Drip, drip, drop little April shower

We're madly busy at the moment trying to sort out the house ready for the chaos that will be the complete replacement of the central heating at the beginning of May.

We've already moved shelves (and contents!) out of the lounge to make sure the plumber can get to the plumbing/gas which runs to the back boiler. The boiler is being moved to the airing cupboard and all the radiators are being replaced, plus adding a new one where there is no easy access. The new piping will be standard copper piping, but at the moment we have ridiculous microbore piping which is much smaller than standard pipework. This all means that new pipework may not fit where the old has been.

We have ensure that the plumber can get to the floorboards in all the upstairs rooms - this is the point at which we discover that we really do have too much stuff in our house! We're currently trying to work out where on earth to put all our stuff for the next two weeks!

I have been completely dreading this work and am feeling more and more stressed by it the closer we get: at least once it's done we'll have heating that works and doesn't leak with alarming regularity.

All this means we haven't been out for a few days. Fortunately, the weather has been brilliantly kind so having the paddling pool out and occasionally putting the sprinkler on for a few minutes is keeping the kids well and truly occupied.

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