Alephnaught Blip

By alephnaughtpix

High Fashion!

Last night's Menergy was a bit of test. After the previous night's work for Nightwalk, I was spending ages downloading the squillions of pictures I took, which meant that I had less time to prepare for photography at Menergy than I'd like. Add to that I only found out when I got there that my usually trustworthy remote flash trigger was no longer working and I had to use my flash manually and chance using more available light shots than usual. Despite that, it turned out to be a great night, with many memories to treasure.

This is outside Vic's Bar after the club has ended. It's now starting to be a little tradition of mine that once my "proper" camera is packed up in my bag to get a final couple of Hipstamatic candid shots of the Menergy crew as they get ready to leave. On the left of this shot is Lady Munter, on the right is Camille Loringo, who's a legend in the Glasgow fashion scene, having run indie fashion outlet Che Camille for so many years (One of Pete Docherty's suits? She made it.) until retiring it this year. She's always friendly, and fizzing with ideas, (The first time I went to Che Camille, I started browsing the clothes, and ended with Camille photographing my belly button. It's a long story.) and it's always fun every time we meet.

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