Northern Delights

By Karenski3

Finland - the flip side.

A couple of weeks ago we still had snow (admittedly you can still see random big piles of the really hard-packed stuff lying around in certainly places) and this Easter weekend, in a bizarre twist of fate, it has turned into summer!

I'm proud to say that I have acquired the one-off obligatory (mild) sunburn of the year very early this year! Today it was beautiful and I enjoyed a couple of hours walking around the city, forest by the lake and as well as the first ice cream of the year outside!

Certainy cannot complain. The Blip is of a bunch of students, dressed in their colourful overalls, occupying the park by the river rapids, just hanging out and enjoying life this Easter Sunday! You literally feel like your living in a different country during Spring/Summer!!

Happy Easter to one and all.

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