party of 5

By partyof5

Great Grandma Cahill

Today since Sam had no school for Good Friday and Will has off at a olay date, we took the chance to go visit their Great Grandma. My Grandma is a very special person to me, and I have had a lot of guilt lately that I have not been over to see her enough. My Grandpa, her husband died three years ago and we miss him terribly still. She now lives in a care home where she is taken care of by an amazing woman.

My Grandma got sick about 37 years ago from encephalitis and it caused really dramatic brain damage. She has no current memory and had to pretty much relearn how to do everything. She thought that my Grandpa was her Dad and she didn't know who her children were. I was born a year later and this is the way that I have always known her. This is my Grandma and I love her so much. My Grandpa never put her in a home, he took care of her every need for 37 years. It was a very hard undertaking and taught his family and anyone he knew a lot about love, loyalty and patience.

You may wonder why Grandma is so far away from the kids, well Grandma has A LOT of quirks and we have learned to just follow her lead most of the time. So instead of her holding Lily which would make her very nervous and upset I had Sam hold her. Most of the time spent there today was spent watching television which is her favorite thing to do. Sam was so patient and has learned like I did growing up, that just the way Grandma is and we love her just the way she is.

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