This, That And the Other

By Kersting

1/2 lb Bunny

Well Happy Easter everyone! I got this chocolate bunny from my boy-friends parents and yes it really is 1/2 lb. The bunny was on its way upstairs to my room. The bunny on the steps was the best I could do because of feeling a bit ill.

No fear for the bunny today... I will not be eating him or any other Easter candy today.

I didn't sleep well last night and today I'm feeling a bit ill. I did however mange to make it out long enough to eat Easter dinner with the boy-friends parents and then went to my Aunt and Uncles where my family was for a very quick 5 min desert and hello.

I'm home now and ready for some much needed sleep in hopes that I will be better tomorrow.

I'm hoping to make the "Great Peep Catastrophe" tomorrow for a blip photo, but it will only happen if I'm feeling better.

4:15 p.m.
The weather has been nice all day today with no rain.

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