A Foto in the Life of...

By inthelifeof


"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." John 12 v24

Happy Easter Blippers :)

As usual we had the family around today... this was the first Easter I've had in the UK for a couple of years... so it's nice to be with family :)

I spotted this shot while walking the dog... and now thinking about it how appropriate! Through Jesus' death on the cross and His ressurection, we who believe are His fruits... through His death many are saved.

When you look at a single seed, what do you see? One seed or the potential for many more seeds and fruit to be brough forth! When Jesus died He saw us... and the great potential in us all. We are made alive in Him!

The thief comes to steal, kill and destory. but Jesus has come that we may have life, and life in abundance! (John 10 v10) And for those of us who believe, that's the question... are we living in abundance?! What is stealing, killing or destorying our joy, health, peace?! Today we remember that we have the victory in Christ! :)

What potential has God put inside of you? What gifts, talents, quirks did God design in you? Are you displaying them, using them, growing them? And just like the seeds... in surrendering our lives to God, with all that makes you - you, giving up our lives for Him, then we shall find life... and life to the full!!

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