
By TrishaR

Ben's 1st Easter

Although he has no idea what Easter is! But his big brother boiled and painted 9 eggs for rolling today, which we did at Camperdown Park in Dundee. Boy, did the crows and seagulls have a feast today, along with a certain cocker spaniel!!

Luckily, the sun was shining, although even if it was raining, it's tradition, whatever the weather, to head up a hill to chuck a hard boiled, decorated egg down it.

Before the big event though, we had a visit from a couple of fellow blippers, Sara from Manchester and Andy, from South Wales. They came up to Scotland for the holiday weekend and we counted 12 blippers they have met, starting on Friday and finishing today. It was great to meet them both, but was VERY surprised meeting Sara, as I had imagined her to be a twentysomething! (She always had an air of mystery about her!)

Isn't it funny how when meeting some people you just click right away. Well it was like that with these two lovely people - thanks for making the journey up to Scotland - I think you had fun:)

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