Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

Mirror mirror on the wall...

Today was actually a very busy day. I got up pretty early to finish packing before heading off to meet the youngest shop keeper in Bournemouth for a feature interview. She is only 18 and runs a vintage clothing shop which I think is pretty impressive stuff. I came away from the interview having bought two items from the shop. Really need to start exercising self control.

Mum then came to pick me up and drive me home before I ran off to meet some friends before they all head back to uni (sorry mum!). Had a lovely catch up in sun and was really glad I could make it.

THEN I went out in town with my sister Annie. After two weeks of running around like a mad journalist my feet almost died after hours of dancing around in huge heels. Bad idea. Good night though.

And THEN, I had the best nights sleep ever. Zzzz.

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