Pob's World

By Pobsworld

Now that's special

Well I think I can officially confirm that my brain has gone on holiday!

Came through to Paisley to see B today, lovely sunny drive through, but why is it impossible to drive on the M8 without coming across at least 10 idiots who make it their aim to drive as close to the back of you as possible?! It drives me mad!

Anyway, arrived in one piece and we decided to go down into town to play tourists - I've been coming to Paisley for 4 years now but have never been to the Paisley Museum so we decided to go there today. Its a lovely but very faded building but has some nice textiles and some funny stuffed animals (including a long haired Yorkshire terrier!).
They also had my Granny's old 1950's cooker which brought back a lot of memories.

We then nipped into the £1 shop to get some envelopes where I first became aware my brain was awol on asking 'how much do these envelopes cost?' - what an idiot!

After that we went into the newly renamed 'University of the West of Scotland' student union and had a few games of pool and a couple of drinks.

I felt like I was 18 again spending the afternoon having fun instead of working and it was great. Biggest laugh of the day (well B thought so) was when I declared I was about to do 'a Lisa special' and promptly potted the black on my first shot after the break. What a dumbo!

And now back to B's where he's cooking me a lovely dinner.
I could get very used to being a lady of leisure - mind you I'd probably be a drunken pool hustler who doesn't know her own name within a month!

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