Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

my cousins


This is Amelie with my cousins (funny that they are closer in age to Amelie than they are to me!) Charlie (11), John (9) and Ruby (4) My Auntie Jenny and Uncle Al popped in for a quick visit whilst they were in the area visiting another relative and it was lovely to see them. The kids were very happy to see Amelie as it isn't often they get to see her sadly. Amelie's bedroom was not so happy, I don't think I've ever seen it so messy! But it didn't actually take too long to tidy, phew.

We also took Amelie to the duck pond today to feed the ducks but she wanted to walk the whole way round and wanted to climb in with the ducks so there were a few tantrums when I pulled her back from the water's edge... It was nice though and she loved the ducks.

Her eyes are looking much better but she has still been coughing loads and her nose has been streaming. Teeth I suspect but keeping an eye...

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