It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Missing Teeth!

Can you see that I have lost a few of my teeth?! They are dropping out quite quickly now. Mum said she keeps finding them all over the place. This is why I HAVE to chew everything at the moment. My mouth is pretty sore most of the time. I can't wait for all my big teeth to come through (neither can mum!)

We had a lovely walk today at Blagdon Lake. It was sooooo hot but lovely and quiet. All you could hear was the birds and I was fascinated with them. There were lots of ducks and swans too. I was a bit upset because dogs have to stay on the lead there (which mum and daddy didn't realise). It would have been soooooo good to be off the lead and swimming. The lake was really inviting, especially with all those birds in there (mum told me time and time again that this is why I wasn't allowed in!) I was on my extendy lead thingy and I would run close to the edge of the water and look back at mum and daddy with hope in my eyes but all I got was a big fat NO. Boooo!

We had a lovely picnic in a big meadow. Mum had packed my lunch too, so we all sat and ate together. When mum wasn't looking I almost ate her sandwich too, tee hee!

I was on my extendy lead but I still managed to chase and chase butterflies and bees. I have also found something else yummy I like to eat......dandelion clock heads. They go poooof into my mouth, they just explode when I snap at them and my mouth is full of fairies. Yummy. I do sneeze a bit after though?!

To make up for not swimming mum said that she would take me to the river this afternoon whilst daddy got the BBQ ready. I had such a lovely time again. I love it there, when we found a safe place to go in mum threw my ball for me about 4 times and I swam out to get it. Then mum said that was enough because I have done rather a lot of swimming this week but I wasn't going to listen to her. As we were walking back I jumped in at every available space, even one time I couldn't get back out so mum had to lean over and drag me out, then I stood on her, she got all muddy leaning in to get me and to top it all I shook all over her whilst she was still trying to get up. Teeeeee heeeeee. I had to go on the extendy lead after that time :-(

I had a lovely bath when I got home. I LOVE the bath. It was all warm and I love the shower rinsing me off. Then I got mum soaking AGAIN, when I shook off afterwards and then did my rolling on my back all over her legs whilst she was kneeling cleaning out the bath. Poor mum, but tee hee, I thought it was funny.

She took me for another walk this evening to watch the sun go down on the seafront. Daddy didn't want to go out, he was watching a DVD. So mum and I had a really nice walk and I snuffled up all the things people had dropped today. Double YUMMY. (mum just said she is keeping her fingers crossed I don't get an upset tummy again!)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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