Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


In the morning we took a walk up to the town. I needed to get some summer-type shoes for Elizabeth and there's a great second hand place for all things baby. I found a pair for £1.50!

After trying on the shoes, I decided not to bother putting shoes back on Elizabeth because it was so hot. She ended up putting her feet up on the bar of teh buggy for most of the journey home. Very cute.

After some lunch we all went out to Thetford Forest. It was very hot, and an afternoon in the shade sounded like a lovely idea....

There were splashes of rain on the way there. We hoped it would pass.... While we were waiting, we tried out the swing park, which is under a lot of trees so we would avoid the little splashes of rain. Then the thunder started. We thought it would pass....

Elizabeth loved the slide again. We tried her out on the swing again and she lasted for ages before asking to get out. She seemed to be loving it too!

It seemed to be clearing, so we decided to take a walk. 5 minutes later, it was absolutely pouring down and we took cover under a giant slide. We waited with about a dozen other people for about 20/30 minutes before it calmed down again. Then we made our way back to the car. No point in staying now.

In the evening we went out to the local Chinese restaurant. Elizabeth was fantastic! She ate loads of prawn crackers and tried some chicken satay. Then she ate a whole load of strawberries that I had brought for her. She must have been bursting at the seams.

It was a lovely day, despite the weather. Great spending time with my parents.

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