Small Blue Ball

By smallblueball

Oranges are definitely not the only fruit

Day 98
25 Apr 11

Sitting in the sunshine reminds
me that I hate being cold. You might
think that wrapping up warm defines
winter, like an open fire on a frosty night-
but I beg to differ. Fingers ache
and joints creak when the temperature falls.
And every spring I decide to make
a new year's resolution (bit late): "Balls
to freezing. I will go home to the sun."
Maybe I will one day. When the millstone mortgage
no longer anchors me here.
It's an unwritten promise on an unturned page
but no less insincere
for not existing.
And in the warmth of a spring day that feels
like summer, I notice two cherries growing
on our new tree. The warmth of the sun that heals
the aches and pains.
Maybe somewhere else it is snowing.

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