365 Days of Nonsense

By evp365

Well, I finally got my computer back so I will be able to, after weeks of waiting, upload my pictures daily once more. Although that problem is solved, a dozen more it seems have surfaced. My camera will only allow me to take outdoor photos, so now I'm limited to that, and this lovely computer will not allow me to edit the pictures the way it once had. My pictures weren't too good to begin with, and now they certainly won't get better, so bare with me. Finally I have reached 60 pictures though wich I consider a major feat. I just wish I was in a better mood to be happy. Anyway, these are some eggs I colored for the holiday. I liked their colors, but I wish I could have edited them just a tad to tone down the brightness and make the colors pop more, but I do what I can. I hope you enjoy it besides all this. Ciao!

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