I'm half my Dad's age

By halfmydadsage

Sometimes you are two people. The person you are and the person you want to be. There basically the same person only one of them is in the future about 2 minutes away.
I hate the duality of wanting something for myself but fighting against myself. You win and lose. It's not very rewarding.... it's too long in the payoff.
I want instant results.
I need a twin.

One of the kids I work with told me he wants to have a superpower. He wants to be a twin. He wants that so he can play tricks on himself. I would just sleep and let my twin work for me until winter was over (ok not really but for like two day or something...)
He wants to play jokes on himself. I think that's a better perspective about being happy with who you are. You are so comfortable you can make practical jokes at your own expense.

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