Digital Freedom

Adam has been pestering me for months for his own email address, as a responsible (and digitally aware) parent I have resisted.

Finally he has worn me down, especially as he wanted to "build a website". How could I resist, given this is what I do. We looked at some basic HTML this morning, the quintessential "hello world" example. But in the end I decided a Google site might be the way to go, initially. And of course, to get a Google site, you have to have a Gmail account. I had backed myself into a corner.

So now he has an email address, a website, and more enthusiasm that you can shake a stick at to "get stuff online". I see many hours ahead discussing online security and safety, which is good.

Other news. More lease shenanigans with our new premises, hopefully we are there now! And final preparations for speaking at a conference Thursday, we fly up tomorrow. It's not finished yet, I see this being yet another "just-in-time" presentation. The usual ;-)

Off to Auckland tomorrow, not even taking my camera ... More time for photography and blip required. And a decent point and shoot.

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