
By Appreciation


School's back, the kids are gone, the house is quiet. I feel like I have been transported to somewhere calmer. Somewhere I have a second to think my very own indulgent thoughts. Perhaps not always the best thoughts, but just to be able to focus on them, selfishly, is sheer bliss.

I know where I want to be today, and it's not the place for any new toy that doesn't have a wooden shaft and steel trimmings. So before I go, I stepped into the garden and shot this. Straight from the camera, no tweeks - not that I can do anything great as I have no software. It transported me to another land, way down with the little people. They had stolen one of the egg hunt eggs and were scoffing their way through chocolate in a very drunken fashion. I like this land, maybe I'll stay a while, transported away from all that life shakes me with.

Then again there is this little spider that's sitting right next to me, he's not moving, but waiting. I hope the doesn't want to eat me.

Edit:- reading this I thing I may have eaten something from the garden myself today, it's all a bit of a haze!!

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