Who knew?

By InOtherNews


FIRSTLY apologies to everyone. I'm five days into an eleven day break and find myself unable to comment on peoples pictures due to an absolutely awful GPRS only dongle connection. If you imagine how frustrating it would be trying to find a single flea on six hundred identical black dogs, then you get the idea of how I feel right now. However it seems by making my own pictures 100x900 or something I can upload them: it take two hours but hey ho.

Carrying on from my shot yesterday, this is a commonly sold herb grinder used for 'grinding herbs' (presumably parsley, oregano, thyme etc. obviously NOT cannabis). This useless little piece of novelty metal has been a close friend of mine since November 1st 2010 (when I left my last one at a friends house in Bury St Edmunds. We'd been baking and I ground some dried mint). Now it is redundant like um..... like my football teams 11 jokers should be. We lost at home to Cheltenham 2-0 which means we are in (to put it mildly) very deep shit. Two games to go, Oxford away (where we'll get nowt) and Aldershot at home (where we'll get nowt). Barnet and Burton only need a point or two and that will send us down. Just like I said ages ago. The team were pathetic, weak, embarrasing and a slur on me and all the paying fans across the city.

I'm meeting Debs tonight though, so relegation seems a bit trivial to me. We've been texting loads and its all on for date number 2!!!!!!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!!! (no train noises later). However I have a dilemma. I have no light jacket only hoodies. It's a touch chilly, but I've been told no hoodies. So what? I freeze? I rock up in a winter jacket? I'm even picking her up, is having an unfixed chip in my windscreen the size of a 5p piece a bit gippo? Should I take my car for a wash? Worse still, do it myself?

As for GPRS internet..... you may as well all post me your pictrures and I'll scrawl comments on the back, make them into paper airplanes and fly them back to you. It'd be more reliable than Vodafones dongle.

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