
By mandygf

make a wish.... teen used to (well she still does) call these fairy's wands, & she used to make a wish as she blew them....

this was the last time I blipped one of these.... it's still one of my favorite pictures of my teen....

only 2 days left at work then a lovely extra long weekend off... thanks "Wills & Kate".... & we've also got mayday off (wich will be my 300th blip... so got to get that thinking cap on!)

on a sadder note... it was my friend Wayne's memorial service today, my mom went & she said it was a lovely service, lots of lovely memeories were spoken about.... she said the funniest was this....

His dad got & up & said a few words & this was one of his funniest memories... He was the perfect baby, slept through from 2 weeks old, unlike his 2 daughters who were total nightmare as babies, but then Wayne hit 4 & the troubles started... they were at Church & he dissapeared, eventually they found him... on top of the Church roof... they were all scared incase he fell off, but he wouldn't come down.... eventually they got him down & he was fine....

On Sunday they scattered his ashes at the beach he used to surf at, it's a beach called "Garvie's Beach" on the Bluff in South Africa, a group of guys he used to surf with took his ashes out on their surfboads, the guy that had his ashes dropped them in the water before they could open them, but he dived in & got them, they all got in a circle & scattered his ashes in the middle of it... it was a beautiful farewell.....

Goodbye Wayne... you were my first (young) love, you will never be forgotten.... may your soul rest in peace x

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