Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Family Tree(s)

This week's challenge is 'trees', and I thought I would do something on Jess & Molly's ancestry. There is a site which can fill in a lot of detail if you know where to start. One point of kicking off is to know the 'official' names, which for our two are Lucky Jessabel and Orora Molly Law).

I thought it would be straightforward to get screenshots of their trees, back to about 6 generations. Turned out to be not so easy! I had to settle for a much reduced subset of each, and I chose to go for their paternal lines, bach 4 generations.

The printing is quite easy to read in large.

Inset, top left, is a puppy-photo of Molly, which was previously back-blipped as: Fed up and bored.

Inset, centre left, is a puppy-photo of Jess, which was previously back-blipped as: Meeting Jess.

The other inset is a picture of Potterdale Preclusion taken from the website above. You will see that This dog is Grandfather to Jess, and Great Grandfather to Molly. I can't find any closer kinship than this: does it make Jess into Molly's auntie? Family trees can be complicated!

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