Before we went 'up north' for the wedding, the Clematis was only in bud. Now it is a profusion of flowers. I am beginning to think that by June there will be nothing left to flower in the garden.
Carys went back to nursery today, still very tired from the weekend's exertions, despite sleeping for over 12hours last night. We went to the 'big play soft' this afternoon as she could run around to her hearts content and I could nurse my headache with my e-reader. Unfortunately some schools haven't gone back so it was busier than expected and very noisy.
I watched with some amusment as Carys hung from the monkey bars, unable to move across them, until she fell off. Time and time she tried (nothing if persistent) until she persuaded a bigger kid to help her across by taking some of her weight by wrestling with her legs! Victory over the monkey bars was hers and she spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the said 'big kid' and even being taken on the go-karts by her. Think she was in her element.
The less said about bedtime the better. Enough to say melt down occurred in massive proportions due to tired Carys and a William who had stayed awake all day at the childminders. Wine anyone?
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