Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Boy Racer

Todays Rant

Traffic and Morons

At the moment to main dual carraigeway through Livingston is being dug up for resurfacing and will be for several weeks. This means diversions for the poor souls using it.

At the same time they are resurfacing bits of the road at the other side of town that runs parallel to the dual carraigeway leaving some fairly major bumps (resulting in broken springs for some).

Today they managed to cause a 2 mile tail back by closing bits of this road (without permission).

Not only have I had to deal with these idiot workmen - but I also seemed to come across every piece of brain dead material with access to a car........no lane disipline, no ability to turn the head/look for other road users (horses with blinkers on have better peripheral vision)/use mirrors/use indicators, complete disregard for the law (no seat belts - using mobile phones whilst driving - using the horn whilst NOT driving....more a way of talking to other brain deads).

And most of them have been women..............and I use the term VERY loosely - most of them were barely out of nappies let alone through puberty. Probably stole the cars too.

It was certainly a sad indictment of driver training and examination in West Lothian.

Where are the (far too young) cops when you need them?

Going for a pill and a lie down in a darkened room

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