picture of a camera

does this cause a rip in spacetime!

anyway a bit stuck for a blip tonight so as I've been using the Industar 69 lens on the nex for a few days I thought I should blip it.

I was inspired by @johncosta on flickr who suggested this. This lens is an m39 fitting but for a camera with a slightly different focal length to the standard FED/Leica rangefinder cameras. As such it need a bit more "adapting", you can just see the brass bit on the adapter where I had to file off about 1mm off in order to get infinity focus back!! I'm such a nerd.

This is a 28mm lens - so with the crop its a 42mm lens on the NEX and its smaller than the 16mm pancake native nex lens!

It did cause quite a stir in the camera shop when I went in to look for a case!

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