As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

flotilla de barcos de papel

It has been a draining two weeks at work and the creativity went out the window about a week ago. I took some pictures a few days ago and they all were blah. I took some the next day and they were worse than blah. So I put my camera in the bag and left it there for two days and stepped back from the lens-eye view. It worked.

I purposely broke the streak so now I feel free to post as I wish, when I wish and if I miss a day, it's not a big deal. If I post for the next 6 days straight or 186 days straight it is no big deal. Phew. I feel better already.

Saturday we had fabulous weather, I went to my nephews' little league game, without a camera and did not feel the need to get a great action shot or candid of a kid or parent. Sunday was Easter and I managed the whole day camera free. Yesterday I took the camera back out of the case but nothing inspired me indoors and it was too yucky to wander around outdoors yet I did not feel the doom of bliplessness. (is that a word?) Tonight I was sitting watching a movie and started folding this little flotilla of paper boats. I thought I would share them with you.

Blip is a grand place.

Thank you to those who inquired as to my absence. It is nice to be noticed.

Happy Blipping!

PS I learned today that it is officially the second coldest April in the history of recorded weather in Oregon. There was also mention of the wettest.

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