On the Verge

We have been concerned and watching as this Mommy dove decided that it was a good time to have babies ...

It became very obvious yesterday that our lovely autumn weather was on the verge of being pushed aside ... stormy and cold conditions made its way and early this morning we heard from our daughter, Cecile, that snow had fallen on these mountains, to the left.
They sit with the view, and we sit with the cold!

As for the doves, this morning it seems as if progress have been made toward becoming independent - but alas, those tail feathers still need a few days of growth!

Unfortunately the nest gets no sun, and with the wind chill it musty surely be cold up there.

A pot of bean soup is coming into existence and will no doubt make a hearty meal later on today.

The doves:

Scientific Name: Columba Guinea

Common Name: Speckled Pigeon

Old Name: Rock Pigeon

Identification: red eye ring - dark tail band - white spotted wings - red legs

Habitat: mountain ranges - coastal cliffs

Distribution: Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe

Call: "hooo hooo hooo"

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