
By MallyC

Sunset on Peninsula Hills

Third day of our reunion and we began with a memorial service to remember those who started with us but for various reason didn't want to stay either with the class nor on this mortal coil.

After gathering our thoughts we proceeded on a tour of the hospital recalling what we had done where, then on to the old tutorial department (which is now used by the University of Otago Med.School) where we remembered various tutors and laughed about our innocence. (I was flabbergasted to learn that the few male nurses training at the time were paid $1000.00 more than we mere females and were "excused" certain duties as were deemed not suitable for men!!!!!) Probably just as well I never knew this as I was always in trouble for questioning the system and the bumbling bureaucracy of the day.

A tour around the old nurses home - now a student hall of residence - provided the opportunity to snap this view from the roof. Once we used to sunbath on the roof......tonight we snapped photos and laughed about the old days while the sunset gentled us.

Later we were amply feed and watered in the now library of the old nurses home and the memories and laughter filled the hallowed halls as they once were filled 40 years ago.

(Yes that is the Forsyth Barr Stadium lower left corner of image. Almost ready for the Rugbyn World Cup and Elton John)

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