
By Amalarian


It's a very dark day so I thought I'd wait until the garden centre opened after lunch and photograph massed geraniums and sorfinia. We need to buy masses of them, anyway.

On the bathroom floor I found this moth, however. I'm sure it is the most common moth in the entire world but there it was, willing to stay still although if I tried to shed a little light on it, it turned away until I was finally backed up against a wall and flat on my face.

I decided it was teach-yourself-macro time but all I learned was that with the macro lens that I have, you get to have an eye or a part of a wing but you can't have both. I chose the eye. So I figure what I need is a 50 mm lens with an adapter to reverse it. Any excuse.....

As for the background colour, your guess is as good as mine. The bathroom is white.

The moth was gently captured in a glass and turned out into the daylight. At least the sun isn't shining to blind it too much.

For the record: +19 C Cloudy and dark. Humidity 45%.

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