Mice Naps

By kimsim

Rescue Me!

What's that you say Lassie, a thirty year male is trapped in a room in the Scout Hut? And he's been trapped in there for two and half hours? Whilst I've been out having lunch and not realising the urgency of the text message I received earlier?

No Lassie, I'm not laughing.

But the gate to the Scout Hut is locked so I'll have to scale over the wall in order to attempt any kind of rescue?

Ok, I'm definitely not laughing now Lassie.

I rush down to the Scout Hut armed with a screwdriver! With the Indiana Jones theme tune playing (ok, with me singing it) I miraculously leap over the wall and burst in the Hut.

...the door to the room is definitely jammed tight.

After several attempts to boot it open, which was never gonna happen, a few chipped nails and some nonsense with ropes, I decide there's nothing else for it, I will hack the lock out!

One last boot and the door flies open revealing its captor, delighted at their hero's valliant effort in saving them. I feel quite proud!

And this is the destruction I left as I flew off in my cape, my underwear on the outside, natch!

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