Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Modern Perspective

Decided on the modern, functional and in a good state of repair for today's blip. I wouldn't want to give everyone the impression that Jacksonville is a dump, even if it is.

This a view from one of the financial institutions that provide employment looking across at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Florida building.

Don't get me started on health insurance companies. :-)

I am posting this blip as acrid fumes waft through the house thanks to our lovely neighbour at the back who, in spite of a city ordinance forbidding open fires within the city limits, insists on burning what smells like tyres in his back yard.

A couple of months ago, we called the fire department. It seems that did not make a lasting impression nor will it until he is taken to court and fined $1,000 every time he violates the city code. And what are the chances of that happening in this lawless, bugger-everybody-else-I-will-do-what-I-want-to-do country?

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