Happy Administrative Professionals Day

Some Admins loathe this day. I don't mind. If they want to honor me, for being their right hand helper/just doing my job....hey, I work and pay my taxes and am not a burden on society, so there you go. Send me to lunch to a wonderful restaurant called C-Level on the water (beautiful day) with my fellow admin chums and give me a nice...VERY NICE, down right SWEET card and roses, it makes me feel special!


On a side note from yesterdays BLUES....I apologized. All is well, but I am still dealing with something. A friend at work said "Well, it's not like you don't have things on your mind". I decided to make a list. Stuff came pouring out. Well that explains some of it. So then I decided to put a spin on it and write in another color, what I can do about it. So each GRUMBLE, GRIPE, PROBLEM, ISSUE, FEELING got a solution. Some don't have a solution, because it technically my problem, so those said "LET IT GO". It did help. The list was longer than I wanted to admit, but I guess it floats around in your head whether you realize it or not. On paper, at least I can look at it and decide if I have the power to fix it, pray about it, or dump it!!!

It's all good in the hood!!!

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