Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

so far in my lifetime I have inherited a few things

when my Nan died, Grandad asked if I would like a box of Ritz crackers because he "wouldn't be needing them". They were already a good year out of date, but I thought I should say yes. After some time he asked me if I would like a couple of Nan's books and he gave me two books that had always preoccupied me on summer holiday visits:

Tales of the Supernatural and Scottish Ghost Stories

The first had 'authentic' photographs of ectoplasm spouting turn of the century seance types, screaming mandrakes and post poltergeist affected scenes. The second was filled with artist interpretations of hideous spectral things - the sallow faced lady of number _ George Street; the bounding figure of Old Dalkieth Road; the floating figure of Earl Grey Street etc. Anyway, these books filled my entire childhood with fear and a mental no-no list of a number of Edinburgh streets (I once turned down a flat in Forest Road in case it was the home of the 'floating head of Forest Road')


I inherited this wardrobe, which currently lives at my mum's where we are staying just now, feeding cats and watering plants. When we get a bigger place we will be able to house my wardrobe, which my Grandparent's bought when they first got married.

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