
By Kookyinthelakes

Nice place to stop for a picnic

Mountain Travels and myself caught the bus from Keswick down to Rosthwaite today to walk up to Dale Head Tarn and then back along High Spy, Maiden Moor, Catbells and then back to Keswick.

Whew, what a day! The sunshine has been glorious and depsite wearing factor 50 suncream we're both a bit sunburnt in places. I was wearing my heart rate monitor too, and it tells me I've burnt 2500 calories on our 6hour jaunt, mmmm where are the chocolates, I think I've earned them.

I took loads of stunning photos, in particular a lovely one of Mountain Travels sitting on some rocks near Dale Head Tarn. However I've chosen this one to blip as it gives you a good sense of scale and height and shows off some of my favourite mountains in the distance. In the distance you can see (in no particular order) Barrow, Grizedale Pike, Causey Pike, and Sand Hill to name but a few.

Where Mountain Travels dumped his bag is where we sat to have lunch and admire the view. If any of you know it, it was then a mad scramble down Catbells.

I'm pretty tired now, but I'm hoping to have the energy to walk up Grizedale Pike tomorrow morning, so maybe a view towards out picnic spot tomorrow.

I hope everyone else enjoys our extra bank holiday tomorrow and enjoys the wedding celebrations.

(Incidentally, the local paper is out and my photo is in it, albeit cropped without permission, I'm going to Blip it in a couple of days, and hopefully then you'll understand why I've waited.)

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