One sunny, crisp spring morning As I rushed along the street I glimpsed a purple tulip Rising through some old concrete
It was in a vacant lot That I traveled past each day But never really noticed As I hurried on my way
Perplexed, I paused and wondered How this flower here now stood Amid rocks and broken glass And discarded bits of wood
?We could move that rock a bit,? A soft voice behind me said ?Your friend would get more sunshine In a proper flowerbed?
I turned to see a woman ? Just how old I could not say Her eyes were wise yet youthful, And her hair both blonde and gray
?Of course,? I nodded slowly ?Yes, let?s see what we can do? She took my hand and led me Through the early morning dew
Time?s largely but perception And who knows how long I stayed A minute or an hour Or till light began to fade
We accomplished much that day ? We moved rocks and pulled out weeds And tended to this garden?s Many other pressing needs
In the coming days and weeks Every morning they were there The single purple tulip And my friend with gray-blonde hair
Inspired by our example Others helped improve the site Bringing tools and plants and soil They?d work late into the night
A neglected, fallow lot, Once a shambles filled with gloom, Was now a vibrant garden, Regal chalice in full bloom
?Who owns this lovely garden?? A man asked one afternoon Wistfully my friend replied: ?I do now, but you will soon.?
She turned and looked upon me As a tear ran down her cheek Her gaze moved toward the tulip We held hands and didn?t speak
Almost imperceptibly Gentle wilting had begun The petals curled up slightly Purple embers in the sun
At last she broke her silence: ?I will miss you my dear friend. Life?s mysterious in ways That we cannot comprehend.?
?But we?ve so much left to do,? I protested angrily. ?Lead by doing ? you?ll know how If you can?t, just think of me.?
Today I see the garden With its missing centerpiece The vision of that tulip In my mind shall never cease
As for Brigitte, this I know A new garden she has found Where sun and work and love and Purple tulips now abound
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