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By teamdel

Pompey Pride and Pipe

A good and interesting day today. We all started out early to go to a toddler and baby group where I helped Toddler and her friend make horrid royal crowns in celebration of tomorrows posh nuptials which was fun.

After the group we and some friends went to the park for a picnic and a play. I could not hang around for long as had an appointment to keep. A while ago I mentioned another Christmas pipe based gift my wife got me, that I was not sure if I would mention here. I have now decided I am.

So today I undertook possibly the most romantic gift experience any man could get from his wife. yes thats right a colonic. I have to say it all went quite well. There was an embarrassing moment very early on when the therapist put on some music and I got the giggles.

She clearly did not understand the irony of Orinoco Flow by Enya, as she pumped water into my backside, as she did not understand my giggles. Anyway I am not going to go into much detail but all in all it was a very good experience, a strange sensation but not at all bad and I feel all the better for doing it.

The strangest thing about it was just how thirsty I was afterwards. There was also one other funny moment when just as I was about to leave when I quite suddenly needed to urgently use the facilities and the toilet door would not open and the therapist had to get a special key to fix the dodgy lock whilst I yet again giggled, but this time not quite so hard as I did not want to take any chances.

So feeling very clean I met up with the family and we headed out to the caravan gallery - Pride of Place - Portsmouth exhibition at the uni. It was really great and fun. Toddler was very excited to see one of her friends in it saying "I call it Balls".

The pictures in the exhibition, like all the caravan gallery stuff are excellent. We made a postcard and filled in some other bits for it and I took the obligatory pictures of the little ones running about in the art. If you are in town try and get along to it as is a very interesting study of the city. The exhibition runs to the 18th of May.

Shortly after this was taken Baby made quite a smell, I may have to book him in for a clean out soon also!

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