My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Just drying out

Hi everyone.

I couldnt get a good pic of thomas today he wasnt interested lol and has been out aswell. So olivia and i did some pics, but while doing it we found this little bee in the paddling pool trying to get out but just couldnt do it.
Olivia was calling it a pider (spider) lol.

So i scooped it up and popped him on the table, he was trying his hardest to get dry and here are a few shots of him doing that, i love the one where it looks like hes doing a press up..

Hope you dont mind me putting this together...OH and he did fly away in the end, my good deed for the day.

Have a lovely day tomorrow if you watch or dont watch the wedding. Il be with my children.

Vicky. xxxxxxxxxxxx

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