The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Scottish BBQ

It was an affa fine day again the day, so we thought 'tae hell wi' it - we're hae'in a barbie'. This, of course, necessitated a trip to HomeBase to get a new gas cylinder, a trip to Tesco to buy BBQ food and an hour cleaning off the BBQ and setting up the (rotten/crumbling) garden furniture.

What is it about men and barbeques? I get the whole cave man cook with fire thing but seriously...we then had to eat it outside because we are double hard in this house. The kids were freezing (they had shorts and t-shirts on because it was above 10 degrees) and demanded their (winter) jackets whilst enjoying their delicious sausage in a bun supper. Which is definitely a step up from last night's cheese slice on a slice of bread supper. We even offered them salad tonight. They didn't take any but they had the offer of it.

Another long weekend this week - woo hooooooo. God bless the Royal Family - I'll be watching tomorrow with my wee Union Jack and a glass of sweet sherry to toast the happy couple. Might even put on a tiara just to add a wee bit of sparkle to occasion.

Later, alligators.

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