The girl who made our day..

As we were on a study trip, today we went to a faculty of a University in Mohammedia: the faculty of letters and humans sciences.

While there wasn't really a plan before we went there, it doesn't matter because Moroccans are really friendly and open people. The photo you see here is when this girl got a gift of appreciation of us because of all the great things she had organized this day for us.

It started in the morning when we were walking up the stairs and one of the guys said "Hey you're an English major, they speak English so can you please introduce yourself" At first she was a bit uncomfortable, what am I supposed to say? but this changed quickly. She became our "host" in a way, to such an extent that some of my fellow students even thought she was supposed to guide us and organize this day.

After introducing ourselves, and some Moroccans introduced themselves too, we walked through the building in groups. Our group ended up in a theatre class in which we participated as well. We met Moroccans students and talked to them.

After lunch somewhere else we came back to the faculty for a "lecture" on Mohammedia and its surroundings. While it was given in Arabic, the lovely girl on the picture translated it to English. After this we had something that I can describe best as music session which was absolutely amazing.

Some girls were singing, some people were playing on blue tons and created an amazing sound with it, some were playing guitar, and at some point the Dutchies were singing "Het is een nacht". Both Moroccans and our students (we're an international bunch) were joining in the fun.

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