X Sighted

By q8rdave


"After a long campaign, a 13-ton, marble tribute to women's suffrage is scheduled to return to the Capitol Rotunda on May 8, 1997. The statue of [from left to right] Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott was a gift to Congress in 1921 from the National Woman's Party. Lawmakers removed it from the Rotunda soon afterward and put it in a less visible spot in the Capitol. None of the 11 statues and busts now in the Rotunda honors women."

This austere white marble grouping, beautifully sculpted, is very impressive there with all the guys including a formidable statue of Reagan with a base in which is sandwiched chards of the Berlin wall. Above them is a dome with a fresco of numerous figures including Washington represented as a god - no, really! The ladies are a stark contrast. Not completely comfortable there, but certainly able to hold their own.

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