Flying squirrel

A red one actually Sciurius vulgaris.
We went to see more ospreys at Loch Garten (webcam here), splendid views of EJ and Odin, the resident birds. Comedy squirrel acrobatics were a highlight.

Edited to add: We were incredibly lucky at both osprey nest-sites to see a swap-over of the proud parents, and delivery of fish and nesting material by the males within an hour of our arrival, Often 4 or 5 hours can pass with nothing happening, all you can see from the hide is a bird's head popping up and looking around, occasionally.
It was great to watch the squirrels here, too. At one point there were five in sight; two on the feeders and three playing tig round the pine trees.
A couple of walks in the remnants of the mighty Caledonian Pine Forest, a primaeval place; so silent (except for the birds) and the reds of the treetrunks glowing among the carpet of fresh green blaeberry leaves. Magical.

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