Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos

When served lemons...

aka the best laid plans of mice, men and librarians.

Found myself falling into old habits and putting everyone else's feeling before my own a bit today - so when the lovely weekend I had planned went a bit awry, I made the most of it and did something positive.

Although a trip to Ikea may not seem like a challenge - it was! I sorted out home delivery, not having a car and thought that was the job done. Didn't realise that I had to actually get the mattress and bedframe to the tills - pay for them and then push them to the Home delivery section!

I was feeling a bit down and telling myself what a fool I was for thinking I could do it on my own when Adele 'Someone Like You' came piping across the store. Although the song doesn't relate to me...it is really heartfelt and I had to stop myself from breaking down and blubbing in Aisle 28, Location 83.

"Don't cry Kate, don't cry...not in bloody IKEA"


Three trips to the till (and a bit of help for this damsel in distress off a nice bloke) and I am now the the proud owner of a double bed to replace this ONE

It arrives tomorrow before 7.30am! So will have it built nice and early.

I had arranged for the girls to be with my mum today which made me even sadder that things didn't work out today - I would have liked to have watched the Royal Wedding with them...but I caught some of it (TV on mute with the radio on) and it was lovely - so tonight I am raising a toast to *that* Kate and Wills and to *this* Kate - who when served with lemons went right out there and made lemonade!

blip isn't lemonade of course...so toasting the happy couple with some sparkly Rose.

They seemed in love *Whatever in love means*

Hope you enjoyed your day, wedding celebrations or not!

Chin chin

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