My Montreal

By snaity

I don't want to be this person!

It has come to my attention I don't want to be the person who posts pictures of her children or random flowers with every entry. I want to post the pictures I have in my mind, I want to put up images that make you look more than once or make you stop for a second and think about it. I want to explore the darker places my imagination takes me and commit them to imagery.
Sometimes when all I have taken all day are another 100 shots of my kids I don't post anything because I think perhaps I am just being boring!
Please don't get me wrong, I love the pictures of children people post, they are adorable and I will be posting more of my own, how can I not when he is such a photogenic little mite!! I'm just saying don't be surprised if every now and then something a little darker or a little more shocking creeps in.
I do need to be the kind of person who believes in her own abilities just a little more and who can ask her friends and family if they will pose without feeling self conscious first though.
Until then, here are some daisies.

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