It's behind (above) you!

We had a short walk to spy out red squirrels before leaving Blair Atholl, but the feeders seemed empty of peanuts so although we saw a couple of the wee rascals they didn't stay around to be photographed.

The creatures at the Highland Wildlife Park were somewhat easier to photograph, but we were spoilt for choice between European bison, Amur tigers, a capercaillie furiously "leck-ing" with no females in sight, handsome owls both snowy and eagle, an elegant little pine marten and a brief glimpse of one wolf. The beavers were out of sight, presumably dozing in their lodge. Some of these species previously inhabited Scotland but became extinct, so are potential candidates for re-introduction - no, not the tigers. I was thrilled to have my first sighting of Scottish wildcats, Felis silvestris grampia, even if they were captive. They're a subspecies of the European wildcat, very fierce, wild and elusive. Their caged area included a couple of aerial runs which they could use for dashing between different areas. At one point several people crowded round where the pine marten was being fed, but were oblivious to the fact that an elusive Scottish wild cat was standing right above their heads. ;-)

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