Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Red, White and Blue

It was the royal wedding today, and I had a friend coming for lunch to watch it. Whilst I nipped to the supermarket to get supplies for lunch, hubby got H dressed - and decided to opt for a red, white and blue ensemble.

We hadn't really planned anything big, but sitting watching it and reading what everyone else was up to, I kind of wished we had got some champagne in for the occasion and made more of a day of it but never mind. We'll just have to have a big party when Harry gets married! It was nice catching up with my friend J, and H enjoyed playing with her Happyland palace and princesses. Hubby took H to the park to leave me and J in peace for a while, and she befriended a couple of older girls. They apparently adopted her, and took her up and down the chutes and lifted her onto the swings, whilst hubby supervised.

Hubby is now on a night out, but won't be out late as he is on antibiotics so can't have a drink. Shame - I was looking forward to my quiet night in!

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